Sunday, April 29, 2007

Scavenger Hunt

begin with a penny
end with something
bigger and better
who knows what you may find?

a penny
for a piece of
hard candy
for a dog biscuit
for a lid to
a moist towelette container
for a purple marker
for a shirt tag
Ann Taylor size 8
for 5 citrine stones
for a pair of shoes
size 9 black pumps
for a kitty cat
pencil holder
for a spool of red ribbon
for a container
of Perfect For Perms
hair creme
for a certificate
for free lunch
for a cubic zirconia
for salmon bisque soup
for a lemon candle
for two knives
for a random
dvd and cd
for two
Madeline in America books
for a candle holder
for two prints of
local artists
one of a dragon
one of a bird

all that for a penny?


Anonymous said...

very witty very witty

Anonymous said...

sounds like a cool scavenger hunt.

sara said...

Wow I love that

The Redheaded Bandit said...

Moose, you should write more

Anonymous said...

good times, good times. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, i love the recap!

sophie said...

lol love it...

Ginny! said...

Been there, done that! :)
I want to do more like that, like, now. If I could get that for a penny, I could have a present for my brother Isaac already!